Diving into ControverSEA: Pesticides and Marine Mammals

Winter 2023 People's Choice Award

By: Karylle Davalos, Natalie Heredia, Naomi Hernandez-Ramirez, Aviana Joiner, Alastair Sterns

Dive into an immersive virtual experience that explores the biological and social intersections of global dependence upon pesticides and its effect on marine mammals.

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Welcome to “Diving into ControverSEA.” Prepare for an immersive virtual experience in which you will explore the complex dynamic that exist between human society’s dependence on pesticides and its impact on our marine ecosystem. In particular, this experience will examine the effects of pesticide use on marine mammals, as well as the biological and social intersections that exist within this relationship. As you navigate the treacherous waters of this controversy, you will have the opportunity to take a “deeper dive” into some of the topics within this controversy that you find most compelling! Start by exploring the difficult nature of the controversy and begin to understand how in the world pesticides even reach our oceans and disturb marine mammals, or dive right into “Marine Mammals” to learn how these creatures are affected by pesticides and why it is important to protect them, or dive into “Pesticides” to learn about their history, the biological mechanisms by which they function, the impacts of current pesticide practices within agriculture, and potential alternatives that should be considered. During your experience in “ControverSEA”, we hope you will explore many perspectives, view the issue through various lenses, and discover aspects of this controversy that would not have otherwise considered. So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to dive into “ControverSEA”?

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