Mother, May I? EDCs and (In)fertility

Winter 2023 People's Choice Award

By: Tara Aiache Reynaud, Sara Aoki, Nare Arakelian, Ryle Eskander, Brittney Hun

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most carcinogenic of them all? Unveiling the hidden world of endocrine disruptors and their relationship with infertility.

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Mother magazine is a periodical publication that is an informative, engaging, and well-rounded discussion on the relationship between endocrine disruptors (EDCs) and infertility. Through articles, interviews with experts, imagery, and activities, we want to paint a picture of what the reality of infertility looks like in a world ubiquitously inhabited by EDCs. Mother magazine incorporates biological information in the introductory section by discussing EDCs’ origins and current statuses, anatomical analyses of fertility, nutrition’s relationship to hormones, and how fertility is impacted by pesticides. For the sociological side, we are discussing the stigmas for both women and men regarding the identity of infertility, the determinants of health that affect infertility treatment, and the powerful influences that beauty standards have on the choices that women make when buying potentially carcinogenic cosmetics. We will illustrate this by intersecting elements of the biosocial into four portraits of different individuals (3 women and 1 man) dealing with some aspect of fertility. Although we mention women specifically in this issue, we want to acknowledge that anyone may have identities that are affected by the issues of infertility. The very limited research speaks mainly of cis-female but can be applied to anyone who identifies with these topics.

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